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Increasing your combat level on Runescape is not difficult at first, but you'll need to schedule an amount of time to build the level of power you need to RuneScape gold be at. To start your quest to increase your level Here are some suggestions that will help you get to defeat Hill Giants at Edgeville Dungeon (accessible via the ruins in the South of Edgeville)   It's important to remember that as you gain experience and grow more powerful, you'll have to keep purchasing and crafting weaponry and armor to safeguard yourself. If you're a fan of a particular weapon and your preferred style of combat, you'll need to concentrate your attention on specific skills that will increase your combat level.   What are the essential skills to the combat of Runescape?   Skills are vital to increasing your proficiency in combat. They can provide you with a path to follow, depending on your favorite weapon types. Combat level skills are split into these categories the following: Attack, Strength Prayer, Magic, Ranged, Defense Constitution, Summoning, and Attack.   For players who are primarily melee-focused, focusing your focus towards Attack and Strength will help in slashing, stabbing and destroying your opponents. Use these types of attacks repeatedly to see your stats get better over time. Magic, Ranged, and buy runescape 3 gold Prayer are increased by repetition. However Prayer can be elevated quickly over a couple of days by burying bones or scattering ashes.