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 At the end of the hall, jump off onto the ledge to Elden Ring Runes your left . Continue following the spiral around the tower until you're directly above another cracked strut. Just like the first one, this can break and you're instructed to stay alive. There is only one way to get to bottom of the tower--but there was a glitch out, and the fall killed me twice before causing no harm the third time around. If this happens to you try returning using that shortcut and attempt the jump until you land in a safe spot next to the elevator. Continue to descend to a different place of grace, and , passing through another blackflame monk You'll be able to access the boss entrance for the Godskin Apostle.


  Most of the Apostle's attacks are fairly well-telegraphed, and it will not take many attempts to get into his rhythm. One of the things that irritated me was a move in which he swiftly spins his blade his direction like an industrial fan. He then keeps the blade in place and then walking forward to cause massive damage. I was never able to catch him in the middle of this attack, so it's best to stay away until it's finished. Be mindful of when you heal. Godskin Apostle will cheekily lob the blackflame projectile towards you when you attempt to drink the contents of your bottle.     The second stage of the fight will introduce certain Reed Richards stretchy antics, however, they won't disrupt the battle in the same way as, for instance Margit's moves in phase 2. After defeating the Godskin Apostle, you'll obtain his ugly armor, and an item in the next room contains the Godslayer's Greatsword.     Elden Ring Godslayer's Greatsword: Statistics and Abilities.The Godslayer's Greatsword's ashes of war is "The Queen's Black Flame:" a 2-hit combo of charged flame attacks. Its requirements are as follows:Strength You'll require 20 Str to use the Godslayer's Greatsword one-handed, 14 to two-hand. Godslayer's Greatsword only ever has D scaling in Strength,strangely enough for a Colossal Sword in this game.Dexterity: You'll need 22 Dex, with the sword's D scaling improving to C at +2, and B at +10.Faith: Godslayer's Greatsword requires 20 Faith to wield, with D scaling improving to C at +7.Endurance: While lighter than other Colossal Swords, you'll still need a fair amount of Endurance to perform the Godslayer's.Greatsword's full combo and cheap Elden Ring Runes to fast roll with it and heavier armor equipped.