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Infertilityis not a disease that can take place in you easily but it is based on various factors and symptoms which indicate that you are suffering from infertility. IVF success rates define the possibilities for childbirth and women who are unable to give birth to a child must look for a dependable IVF clinic in Delhi as it can help you with parenthood.
What is Infertility?
More than anything else, you must know what is infertility? It is the inability to conceive through the natural process. Infertility for women is defined as not getting pregnant even after one year of sexual intercourse without sexual control. If you are older than 35 years, you should talk to an obstetrician-gynecologist. The common problem for infertility in women is ovulation. The main problem for such infertility is with sperm cells. The chances for conceiving in women after 40 years decrease after time.
How does IVF work?
For proper analysis, your infertility expert reviews your medical history and also conducts certain physical examinations for knowing the reason for infertility in you. Inorder to increase the success rate of IVF treatment, the below steps are followed:
Medical history
A practitioner will look at your medical history to know the following information:

No pregnancy or second or later pregnancy issues History of women’s pregnancy How often intercourse happened with a couple Complete medical history of both man and woman

Physical examination

Blood pressure, temperature, and pulse Weight and height Hormone testing Inspection of sexual organs Man genital examination Women pelvic ultrasound

IVFcure includes a set of procedures to be performed on the basis of a particular couple’s medical analysis.

We are one the leading gynaecologists of India with the goal to serve the society. She is MS in obstetrics and gynaecology. Currently, she is providing her outstanding services in SLM hospital, Delhi, Khanpur which is one of the best IVF centre in Delhi