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Rolex vs the diamond cartel

by blacklabel Jun 17,2003 6:40 PM

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  • You are in the know by Ren on Jun 19,2003 01:31 PM
    The one thing Rolex is great at is controlling their product. If the market slows a bit, they simply reduce production. (They are actually a foundation and don't need to report to their shareholders). This keeps their rediculous prices so high and product in demand. When you have a cost basis of probably 10 cents on the dollar, you can afford to do this with your company. What other company can continue to grow without ever having to introduce a really new product or design in over 30 years?

    What is even more amazing is Rolex usually makes up such a large percentage of what a dealer sells, they behave like puppy's to the restrictions and rules Rolex puts on them.

    Marketing genius or plain old muscle? It is very curious to me.      Post Reply
  • re: Rolex vs the diamond cartel by Fatality on Jun 18,2004 11:34 PM      Post Reply